How to Leverage G2 Reviews data

This article shows how you can leverage G2 data to find new leads to your company.

What your customers say about you

The platform G2 has become in one of the main references where people go take educated choices on their software purchases. Vendors publish their products there, and customers publish reviews, both for free, and incentivized by G2.

From the reviewer, you can know their

  • G2 profile and if they’ve added it, their Linkedin page,
  • their company segment: SMB, midmarket or enterprise company and
  • whether the review was financially incentivized or not.

Also, the review includes the score (from 0 to 5), and the text of the review, which is mainly divided on what the client liked and disliked about the product.

This unstructured text of the reviews offers an invaluable source of information on how to understand our (and our competitors’) product. We could analyze what are the main complains of the SMB market of clients, and whether those complains are growing or not. In this post we’re going to show you some examples of those analyses.

Finding what they say about competitors

Let’s imagine we’re building an HR Management platform for Enterprise software, and we’re interested in knowing how platforms in this space are performing. Let’s take one of the leaders in the space, BambooHR, and let’s look at how their reviews have been trending in the last months.

Reviews trend

We can see there’s a trend downwards on the average score, so maybe the sentiment about the platform is worsening over time. We’ve already filtered this data by only Mid-Market and Enterprise customers, as we’re not interested in small companies for our product.

Let’s look at what the worst reviews of the last months, to see what they’re about.

Worst Reviews

We can see multiple complaints about customer support, lack of integrations, being US-based only. This is very interesting to understand

  • our potential edge and bring those customers to our platform, and
  • how to personalize our outbound strategy to their pains

But there’s more! We can get, for the users that post their linkedin on the review, a much better targeting, so we can understand where country they’re in, the positions they work on, etc.

This whole process could be part of a continuous outbound sequence that reaches out your potential leads automatically.

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